The #1 Source For Real Estate Agent Marketing Strategies & Tactics
ATTN: Real Estate Agents!!
DISCOVER How Smart Real Estate Agents Everywhere Are Using Single Property Websites to Win More Clients and Sell Houses Faster Than Ever Before!
As a real estate agent, You Know That Marketing Is Everything. Your listings are your product, and you want to show them off as much as possible, and in as many places as possible.

While sites such as Zillow and MLS are places every listing should be, and your own website is always working hard for you, there may be an untapped marketing source that you haven’t even considered yet - The Single Property Website!! 

Using Single Property Websites is an additional strategy that you can use to complement and extend your current marketing efforts. 

What is a Single Property Website?
A single property website is one website dedicated to just one property.
Unlike other real estate database sites, when buyers land on a single property site, they see only one property; but they learn so much more about it.
The single property can be a single family home, multi family home, apartment building, condominium, or a new development. 
Single property sites typically include several gorgeous photos of the property, and perhaps even a virtual tour. The features of the property will be listed out, and probably one of the first things a potential buyer sees after one glorious main shot of the property. And a map with full directions will likely be somewhere on the main page.  
These are websites created by real estate agents instead of MLS or the creators of Zillow, so they provide the agent with more control of what’s added to their listing.

Details about the community, specific amenities, school district and other local information can be provided in detail. This gives the Buyer much more information than they would find on a multi-listing site.
* Buyers Will Remember It
With a single property site, buyers can only look at that one property and the features it offers. They’ll spend more time checking out the listing and learning about it.
Even if they do navigate away from the site, that property will continue to stand out in their minds. This is because it’s not going to be one listing of many they saw on a multi-listing site such as Zillow. It’s going to be that site with the really great listing.
Buyer’s focus is kept on that property and that property alone.

It’s not going to be crammed in with all the other listings in the area, leaving the buyer to become distracted, and make that one listing appear to be like so many others.  

It’s going to stand out, with its own special place online, meaning that buyers will be better able to remember it when they’re asking you to set up some showings. 
* Properties Will Seem Exclusive And Luxurious
As soon as buyers land on a Single Property Site, they’ll know that someone took the time to create an entire website for just that one property, so it must be pretty special.
That, combined with the professional photo galleries and other features, makes the property seem more exclusive and luxurious. After all, it has its own dedicated website so it must be better than those other listings that are all crammed together onto one site.

Buyers intuitively understand that when they check out a multi-listing site, the homes are available to any buyer that checks out the site. There’s nothing really special about them.
* Increased Revenue
Single property websites can help increase revenue for an Agent.
Sellers want to make sure their property is being listed in the best possible way and shown in the best light. And what better way to do that than by giving the property its own website?  
Single property websites are impressive, and they tell sellers that their real estate agent is doing everything in their power to sell the home. And sellers love that!

They don’t want to think that their agent is just trying the same old methods of listing their home on MLS and hoping that the calls come in. Those tactics can make a seller lose faith. 

But when a seller sees that a real estate agent is taking the time and expense to create a website just for their home, they regain that faith and trust that their agent is going to sell their home.  

And it’s not just that seller that will trust the real estate agent. It’s other sellers, too. 

Once word gets around that there’s a real estate agent in the area that will create an entire website for one property, more sellers will want to list with that real estate agent. 

And the more listings a real estate agent has, the more revenue they make.
* Targeted Traffic
Single property sites allow a real estate agent to really target their marketing dollars.

Instead of sending ads out to the masses, a single property website allows one to show the Ads to a highly targeted and relevant audience and drive traffic to that site, and send leads and buyers back to the agent.

This is a great way to save marketing $$'s, which can be a huge drain on any real estate agent's profits. Creating single property websites is a great way to do that.
* Creative Control
Because the site is created by the real estate agent, there are no rules. There are no limitations and boundaries that the listing must be created within.
A real estate agent can include whatever they want on the website that they think will help sell the home faster.

Every home is unique, and has it's own features, character, and charm that makes people want to call a home their home. A Single Property Site allows the Agent to reflect this.
* Get Shared More
Listings on single property websites get shared more than those on MLS.
The seller is going to share the website that features their home online using Social Media.
Buyers that come across the property will also want to share it. They may want to ask their family and friends what they think about the home, or just show off the home they could potentially be moving into. 
* Great For New Developments
Multi-listing sites don’t have the capacity to list everything that buyers should know about new developments.
This includes the number of units it will include, how many square feet each unit will offer, number and features of common areas, and the amount of association fees, if applicable.

While it may be difficult to cram everything into a small listing on a multi-listing site, there will be plenty of room on a single property website.

Lastly, while many single property websites will only be up for a few weeks or a couple of months until the property sells, websites for new developments can remain online for years.

That means that the developers and real estate agents will continue to get leads during that entire time.
While it’s true that single property websites may take a little bit of time to setup, they hold so many benefits that it’s time well spent.
Real estate agents who really don’t have the time to dedicate to creating a single property website can easily outsource the job so they reap those benefits and still have the time they need to conduct their business.

Single property websites are highly profitable. They are easier to share than a real estate agent’s main website, and they are more impressive to buyers and sellers, too. All of that translates into more listings, and more purchases, for the real estate agent, which is all profits in their pocket.

In fact, single property websites have shown to have the best ROI when compared with many other types of traditional marketing tactics.

Single property websites are quick, they’re easy, and they’re profitable. If you want to up your real estate game, and start making your listings shine, you need to start advertising through single property websites. So it’s time to start building yours today!
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